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Shosanbetsu Observatory

You can watch the shining stars in the night sky up close with the established 65 cm forks type reflector astronomical telescope which boasts being Northern Hokkaido's biggest.

At Shosanbetsu Astronomical Observatory, there is a My Star System, where you can even name a star recorded in their system.


153 Toyosaki, Shosanbetsu-mura, Tomamae-gun, Hokkaido
営業時間14: 00-21: 00 (October 1-March 31 12: 00-19: 00)
定休日Tuesday / Wednesday, winter holidays (December-February)

Price Adult 200 yen

About 120 minutes by bus from Rumoi station

* Business days and hours are subject to change due to the influence of Novel Cornavirus (COVID-19).

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